Privacy Policy


  • 1. Introduction

    At, we are dedicated to safeguarding your online privacy. We respect your concerns about the distribution of personal information. This privacy policy outlines our practices regarding information collection, usage, and your controls. By using our website, you agree to adhere to the guidelines stated in this policy.

  • 2. Information We Collect

    When you visit our website, we automatically gather specific details about your device. This information includes your web browser, IP address, time zone, and cookies stored on your device. Furthermore, as you navigate our site, we collect data about the web pages or products you view, the referral sources that led you to our site, and your interactions with our site. This collectively constitutes "Device Information."

    We obtain Device Information through technologies like cookies, log files, web beacons, tags, and pixels.

    Moreover, when you make a purchase or attempt to do so on our website, we collect specific details from you. This includes your name, billing and shipping addresses, payment information (credit card, Paypal, Apple Pay, Google Pay), email address, and contact number. We refer to this as "Order Information."

  • 3. How We Use Your Personal Information

    We utilize Order Information for the following purposes:

    To fulfill your orders, including processing payments, arranging shipping, and providing invoices and order confirmations.

    To manage your account with us.

    To communicate with you effectively.

    To screen orders for potential risk or fraudulent activity.

    To verify and execute financial transactions for online payments.

    To provide you with information or advertising about our products or services, in accordance with your preferences.

    To audit data downloads from our website.

    To enhance the layout and content of our web pages and tailor them to individual users.

    To offer you a more personalized experience on our website.

    We employ Device Information to help identify potential risks and fraudulent activities (such as your IP address) and to enhance and optimize our website. This includes generating analytics about customer browsing habits and interactions with our website and assessing the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.

    We also use this data for retargeting advertising with Facebook and Google Adwords. You can opt out of such advertising by contacting us directly or through the opt-out mechanisms provided by Google and Facebook.

  • 4. Sharing Your Personal Information

    We may share your Personal Information to comply with applicable laws, respond to lawful requests for information, or protect our rights.

  • 5. Behavioral Advertising

    We use your Personal Information to offer targeted advertisements or marketing communications that we believe may be of interest to you.

  • 6. Do Not Track

    Please be aware that we do not alter our data collection and usage practices when we detect a Do Not Track signal from your browser.

  • 7. Your Rights

    If you are a European resident, you have the right to access your personal information, request corrections, updates, or deletions, and ask questions about our data processing activities.

  • 8. Data Retention

    We will maintain your Order Information for our records unless you ask us to delete it.

  • 9. Changes

    We may update this privacy policy periodically to accommodate operational, legal, or regulatory changes.

  • 10. Minors

    Our website is not intended for individuals under the age of 16.

  • 11. Contact Us

    For more information about our privacy practices, questions, or complaints, please contact us at:

    Qubros Ltd

    T/A veemart




    IG6 2AJ

    United Kingdom


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